Moms Are Not Free from Home Fashion
Often guilty of fashion neglect, many moms take casual to the extreme. Stay at home moms often wear the uniform of a ponytail, sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, and no makeup. Stay at home moms are undoubtedly busy and stressed. Even if they were quite fashionable before, many moms tend to forget fashion in favor of convenience and comfort. Stress, lack of funds, lack of time are all common excuses for failing fashion, but none of those excuses should get you off the hook. Dressing casual can still be fashionable, and when you look good, you feel good. Moms could gain a lot of confidence and energy if they made it a habit of trying to look good. Even if you don’t care about looking good for anyone else, looking good for yourself is actually good for your health.

Chasing after kids, cooking, running errands, carpool, and housework …