The Three Best Home Fashion Businesses to Start
The Three Best Home Fashion Businesses to Start

What could be more fun than starting a home-based fashion business? If you have an eye for style and a head for money, a home-based fashion business can be your ticket to entrepreneurial happiness. Are you unsure about what type of fashion business to start? Here are three ideas that have been successful for other people and don’t involve a lot of overhead.

Sell Handmade Jewelry

This isn’t a difficult market to get in to, but it is a competitive one. It’s not hard to learn to make necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, but it’s to find a niche that sets you apart from the mass produced jewelry that’s already available. For example, you could focus on making necklaces and bracelets for petite people with small arms and necks. There’s a market for this since many small people with tiny bones have a hard time finding jewelry that fits. To learn …

Using Proper in Home Lighting

Have you noticed your eyes are squinting lately when you are trying to read something? Is your vision not as good as it used to be? Do you consider the fact that the lighting you are using or that is available to you has a strong effect on how you look and how you are able to see? Stage managers of Broadway productions know that lighting is one of the most powerful tools to set the mood and create emotions in the audience. Lighting is one of the things we normally take completely for granted, yet it is a very powerful force and can be harnessed for our betterment by those that take the time to give this issue attention.

The next time you walk into a room, pay attention to the lighting. Is it harsh fluorescent that makes everyone look a bit ghostly? Or is it soft incandescent that …