The principles of bedroom feng shui can be used harmoniously with French Country home decor to create a bedroom that has a harmonious flow, which is nourishing and promotes sensual energy. There are many factors involved in the creation of the atmosphere and most of them can be recreated in any room with ease. It is fun and pleasurable, and is a safe haven where one can retreat to at any time of day or night. To create the right atmosphere witrh French Country home decor, there are some basic rules to follow.

One of the most important rules to follow is to get rid of the TV in the bedroom. Other equipment such as computers and exercise equipment should also be taken out of the room. When these items are present, the atmosphere is destroyed. It is also important to keep the air in the room fresh and of good quality. Opening the windows often as well as using a good air purifier can help to ensure that the air in the room is fresh. Breathing stale air that is full of pollutants will affect the quality of sleep. Having plants in the room is not a good idea.
Essential oils are available in the market that can be used to clear the air while filling it with a pleasant scent. The bedroom feng shui is enhanced with proper French Country lighting. It is important to have different levels of lighting in the room. Having a dimmer switch that can adjust the lighting level accordingly is important. Light is very essential for creating the right atmosphere. Candles are very useful for creating appropriate lighting. It is, however, important to use toxin free candles.
The use of color is also an important because choosing soothing colors helps to achieve a good balance in the bedroom. The bedroom decor should be balanced in order to promote a positive flow of energy that helps in restorative sleep. The best colors for the bedroom are those that are considered to be “skin colors”. These vary widely from a pale white color to rich chocolate brown. Colors within this range can help to enhance the bedroom decor. It is also important to select images for the bedroom that carry powerful energy such as images of locations that you would like to visit.
The location of the bed is also important when trying to create balance. Experts in this area recommend positioning the bed where it can be accessed from both sides. Having a bedside table on each side is also important. The bed should not be in a direct line with the door, and should have a good mattress, solid headboard and good quality sheets.